Monday, December 22, 2014

ScreenStudio is getting bigger!

ScreenStudio is getting more and more popular.  I'm quite happy about that as the project is getting more followers,

If you are following me on Youtube (, I often release screenscasts recorded with ScreenStudio.  Today, I've moved to a dedicated Youtube channel for those videos made with ScreenStudio.

You can find the new ScreenStudio channel here:

At the same time, if you are also featuring videos related to screencasting on Ubuntu (Linux), share the link with ScreenStudio's G+ page and your channel will be featured on ScreenStudio's Youtube channel.

Have a Merry Xmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Make money with Ads

If you own a blog or a website, you may have integrated banners and ads to make a bit of money from your content.

Everybody knows about Google Adsense ( Did you know that there are other alternatives?

I've created a website where I collect Ads Services and compare them with each other. As I found out while registering with them, they may have requirements that may prevent you from using their services.

Often the type of website is a major issue. The traffic generated by your content may also be another hurdle as some providers to require more than a thousand visits per day.

Visit to view the ads providers that can be easily integrated in your website.

Patrick Balleux